Mater Dolorosa Catholic School Accredited by the New England Association of Schools and Colleges
25 Maple Street
Holyoke, MA 01040
(413) 532-2831
Contact Information
Child & Youth Protection (VIRTUS)
Mater Dolorosa School
25 Maple Street
Holyoke, MA 01040
25 Maple Street
Holyoke, MA 01040
Phone: (413) 532-2831
Fax: (413) 532-8588
Fax: (413) 532-8588
After School Program: (413) 532-2831, X104
Church Address: Holy Cross Avenue, Holyoke, MA 01040
Office Address: 15 Maple Street, Holyoke, MA 01040
Pastor: Fr. Albert Scherer, OFM Conv.
Pastor: Fr. Albert Scherer, OFM Conv.
Parish Office: (413) 532-5661
Email Addresses Directory
Mrs. Mary Fedora, Principal
Mrs. Kara Mercier, Secretary
Mrs. Linda Cicerchia
Mr. John O'Rourke, Tuitions / Payments
payments@materdolorosaschool.orgMrs. Linda Gagne, Nurse
Mrs. Cynthia Kelly, Pre-K3
Mrs. Stephanie Strand, Pre-K4
Mrs. Jeanne Krow, Pre-K
Miss Gabriella Marafuga, Kindergarten
Mrs. Catherine Peters. First Grade
Ms. Katherine Murphy, Second Grade
Ms. Gayle Pula, Third Grade
Mrs. Lynn Wall, Fourth Grade
Mr. Daniel Smith, Fifth Grade Homeroom and Grade 5-8 ELA
Mr. Eric Wood, Sixth Grade Homeroom and Grade 5-8 History
Mr. Mitch Koziol, Seventh Grade Homeroom and Grade 5-8 Science
Mrs. Collen Forest, Eighth Grade Homeroom and Grade 5-8 Math
Mrs. Andrea James, Spanish
Mr. Michael Carney, Physical Education
Mr. Paul Meara, Technology / Computers
Mrs. Robin Sheehan, Liturgical Music
Kathy Wheatley, Enrichment
Estelle Czarnecki, Interventionalist
The Diocese of Springfield, Massachusetts
Diocesan Schools Office
625 Carew Street
Springfield, MA 01104
Phone: (413) 452-0831
Web Site:
Superintendent of Schools: Mrs. Maria Wagner
Check out the new Mater Dolorosa School Alumni & Family Facebook page. This page is for all current and past students and families to reminisce about memories and events that happened and are happening at Mater Dolorosa School. Please follow our page and post pictures that will make our followers inspired, laugh, cry and feel a part of our amazing Mater Dolorosa School family!