Principal's Message

June 20, 2024

Dear Mater Dolorosa Catholic School Families,

 Happy Summer! 

It is hard to believe that we are nearing the end of our first week of Summer Vacation.  I hope everyone has been resting, reading a good book or two, swimming, playing, and praying. 

Even though it has only been a week, the school has missed the sounds of childrens' voices echoing through the hallways.  Teachers have cleaned up their classrooms and have themselves been taking some well-earned and well-deserved vacations.

The office has been busy working on re-enrollment for the 24/25 school year, and tours for new/prospective families continue.  If you haven't re-enrolled your child yet, please do so as soon as possible to ensure your child has a space in their classroom for next year.  Textbooks are being ordered by next week.  Thank you to all parents who re-enrolled their child(ren) in a timely manner, which has helped our office plan for the upcoming school year.

We are excited for our first ever Vacation Bible Camp being held at our Pope St. John Paul II Social Center, June 24-28, from 9 a.m. to 12:00 Noon!  Peace Lab is an amazing adventure in learning how to resolve conflicts, help others, and become a compassionate peacemaker.  The Bible and Pope Francis's encyclical Fratelli Tutti teach many things about peace.  Our hope is that your child will be inspired to discover even more about God's way of peace.  Thank you for registering your child for Peace Lab.  

During the week of July 8-12, Catapult Learning will be holding a Summer STEAM Camp, for students who registered, in our Pope St. John Paul II Social Center.  Catapult Learning contacted all families who registered regarding specific camp information.  We are happy to offer this no cost Summer Camp for your children, and hope they enjoy their time.

We are very excited to receive delivery of our brand new classroom furniture, scheduled to arrive on June 25-27.  The school will be buzzing with activity as our old furniture is removed and our new furniture is assembled and delivered to all our K-8classrooms, Specials classrooms, library, and school cafeteria. We were fortunate to have been able to utilize a portion of our EANS II grant funding to purchase school furniture.  We can't wait to see our school transformed!

Please check back here periodically to read further updates  about Summertime happenings at Mater Dolorosa Catholic School.  There's always something happening!

*Summer Hours - The school office will operate Tuesday through Thursday, 9 a.m. to 12 Noon, during the month of July.  EXCEPTION:  During Summer STEAM Camp Week, July 8-12, Mrs. Mercier will be in the office from 8:00 a.m. - 12 Noon, M-F.


*Mrs. Fedora will be on family vacations (out of the state/country) June 29-July 15, and August 9-16.  Mrs. Mercier will be covering the school office during that time.  

Have a wonderful first day of Summer!

Peace and Blessings,

Mrs. Mary Fedora, Principal