Preschool (Mrs. Kelly)

      We hope all of you had a happy and restful Thanksgiving. This past month the preschoolers have been doing a great job bringing in their homework, and showing their hard work to their friends!  We will still continue to work on many pre writing and hand strengthening skills with songs, games and activities, but our main focus for handwriting will be the letter of the week.  They are also getting more comfortable with their oral presentation skills, and overall just getting up in front of the class to talk.

 Snow is in the air!  That being said, we do like taking the students out in the snow. First thing, LABEL EVERYTHING!!!!  No matter which option you choose, please LABEL EVERYTHING!!!  You would be surprised how many have the same hats, mittens, boots and snow gear.  This saves Mrs. Rodriguez and me a lot of time if labels are in every item.  Thank you in advance!!!

Here are the important dates to remember for December:

Cash Calendars have gone home.  Each family in the school will be responsible for selling 10 calendars each.  Return all fully paid calendar tickets (bottom of the calendar filled out) and the money in the envelope that was provided.  If you need more calendars to sell, contact me through Bloomz or drop off, and I can request more calendars for you from the office.  Just let me know the amount you would like.  If you do not or are unable to sell all of your calendars, please return the unsold calendars in the envelope.  All calendars are due by December 18th for the office to organize before the long vacation. This is our only school fundraiser, so please support our school.

December 1st – 18th Mitten Tree – Preschool is collecting mittens, gloves, and hats for our Giving Tree in our classroom.  We can’t wait to see how full our tree becomes!

December 1st – 18th – 7th and 8th grade will be collecting for the Toys for Tots program.  Please send in any unwrapped toy in your child’s backpack, and it will go to a child in need.  Thank you for your support.

December 4th – Spaghetti Supper – 4 – 6:30 PM – Social Center.  Great volunteer opportunity and all are welcome.

December 6th- St. Nicholas’ Day- Please send your child into school with an extra shoe.  Tradition states that if you put the shoe out in the hallway, St. Nicholas will come and put treats in the shoe if you are good! 

December 6th and 13thLast two turn in dates for Raise Right gift card purchase before Christmas.

December 9th:  School mass:Holy day of obligation-Immaculate Conception - 10:00 AM  All are welcome!

December 11th – Virtual PTO meeting – QR code on flyer that went home that also included the link.

December 12th – PTO Family Christmas event – 5:30 PM – 8:00 PM.  Pictures with Santa, games, crafts, hot chocolate station.  Don’t miss out!

December 13th – Half Day of school – PD for teachers/accrediatation – Dismissal 11:15 AM.  No lunch or after school program.

December 13th – Gingerbread shop set up – great volunteer opportunity.

 December 16th – 18th - Gingerbread shop - We will be going to the Gingerbread Shop this week.  This is a cute shop set up downstairs in one of the rooms for all students to purchase gifts for family members.  Each item is only $1.  For the preschoolers, we are requesting that a list is made on the front of an envelope of who you would like them to shop for with the money inside.  We are requesting that you limit your child to no more than $10. For a 3 year old to pick out 10 items with a room full of things, it can become overwhelming!  This is also a great volunteer opportunity.  When we choose our day to go, we will post it on Bloomz.  Don’t worry if your child does not come on that day.  We will bring them down on the day they are here.

 December 17th - Christmas Concert 6:00 PM in the gymnasium (details will be on Bloomz).  There will be a bake sale before and after our concert.  All are welcome to come!

 December 19th - Student council hot chocolate and movie day – fun and relaxing day with hot chocolate and candy canes and a movie. (details will be on Bloomz)

December 20th – Christmas Nativity Prayer Service – TBD (possibly 8:30 AM)  All are welcome!

December 20th – Half day of school – No lunch or after school program

December 23rd – January 3rd Christmas vacation

January 6th – Return to school

Lessons:We are currently doing our Mo Willems theme this week. The preschoolers are enjoying the many silly stories and games.  The rest of the month our lessons will focus around Christmas and the meaning of Christmas. The crafts, lessons, projects, and stories will all have a Christmas theme.

 A few reminders for the month of December:

  • We bring the students out for recess in the morning.  It can be very cold, even on predicted warm days, due to the shade.  Please be sure your student has a hat and mittens every day.  If the students do not come in with a hat, mittens, and a weather appropriate jacket, we will not be able to bring them outside. Please be sure to label everything!
  • Boot season is here! Our preschoolers do sit on the floor, so to help keep the classroom clean and comfortable we are asking parents to send in a pair of sneakers on the days they wear boots, so they can change into them.  Boots are not allowed to be worn in the classroom or school.

 There is a ton of information on this newsletter.  If you have any questions regarding any of the events or reminders listed, please do not hesitate to contact me via email or message through Bloomz.

Have a wonderful Christmas season!  Thank you for all of your donations and support this month!