Preschool (Mrs. Krow)



December Newsletter 2025   


  What a wonderful time of the year this is, and how special it is for us to share the joy and anticipation of the season with your children!  This month, we at Mater Dolorosa, will definitely be busy getting ready for Christmas. We will be making a gift that you will find under your tree; hand-made by your child's loving hands!  Shh!...don't ask what it is...it's a secret!  We are certain that you will treasure your gift.  We will be making decorations to add cheer to your home and our classroom as well as learning Christmas songs to share with you.

Important reminders:                                            

(1) Make sure your child's extra clothes are complete and that they are appropriate for the weather.  With the weather getting colder it is imperative your children have adequate clothing for the weather conditions.

(2) Your child must come to school with outdoor clothing that includes a warm coat, hat, mittens, and boots, when necessary.  Make sure all clothing is clearly marked with your child’s name.  We do go out every day, unless the temperature is below 32 degrees.  Please have an extra pair of sneakers or other footwear that your child can wear in our classroom. Just be aware that slippers can be hazardous for indoor play in the gym. Children must wear sneakers for P.E. on Tuesdays.

(3) Please know that we follow the Holyoke Public Schools regarding all snow cancellations and delays. 

(4) Flu season is upon us.  We ask that you keep your children home when they are ill.  Any child who has experienced fever, vomiting, diarrhea or a severe cough within the past 24 hours should not be in school.  In consideration of them and every child in our preschool, please do not bring sick children to school.



December 4th Spaghetti Supper 4-6:30




December 6th- St. Nicholas Day.

 Please have your child bring in one extra shoe (any kind) to be placed outside our classroom door in hopes of a visit from St. Nicholas.


December 9th. School mass/ Feast of Imaculate Conception at 10:00 AM


December 2-6 Gingerbread

This week we will be sharing many stories about the Gingerbread man and characters.  Crafts will enhance this unit..


Dec. 13th Half day PD day dismissal at 11:15 no ASP or lunches


December 9th-20th / Christmas and Advent                                                                          

We have devoted these weeks to our holiday season, since there are so many stories, activities, and crafts that we would like to share with your children. We are asking each child to bring in a pair of mittens to be placed on our classroom Giving  Tree.  They will be given to children less fortunate.




December 16-18th Gingerbread Shop                                                   

  Every year our students look forward to shopping for their loved ones at our Gingerbread Shop.  The Gingerbread Shop is staffed by a wonderful group of volunteers that will assist our students in choosing the perfect gifts for their family members. Every item is priced at one dollar! We are asking that you write on an envelope the names of the people your child is shopping for.  For example: Mom, Dad, Grandma, Grandpa and little brother David.  Please also write the amount on the envelope too.  This makes it easier for us to assist your child. We would appreciate if you could limit their list to no more than 10 items as we have a limited amount of time to shop. Our class will be scheduled a time  to shop, but we are waiting for more information.  We will keep you updated


December 12th  Family Christmas Event ( 6PM by PTO)



December 17th Christmas Concert ( 6-7PM)

This is a school wide event and our children will be performing.  We ask that they be dressed in their holiday best.



December 2oth.  Christmas Pageant and prayer service


December 19th Cookie and Pajama Day


December 20th – early dismissal at 11:15 AM