Grade 3 (Ms. Pula)

 Dear Parents,

December will be a very busy month filled with Advent and Christmas activities.  Every Monday there will be an Advent Prayer Service, Christmas Concert practice, a visit from Saint Nicholas, and shopping at The Gingerbread Shoppe.  I also have many fun activities planned for our class.

The sacrament of Reconciliation will take place on Wednesday, December 4th beginning at 12:45 in the gym.

There will be a Spaghetti Supper on Wednesday, December 4th from 4:00-6:30 in the Social Center.

Saint Nicholas Day will be celebrated on Friday, December 6th.  Please make sure to have your child bring in an extra shoe on Friday.

Progress Reports will be distributed on Friday, December 6th.  Please read over the progress report, sign it, and return it to school by Friday, December 13th.  If you have any questions/concerns about your child's progress please feel free to contact me.

The Student Council is sponsoring a Toys for Tots Drive. New unwrapped tots will be collected until December 18th.

There is no homework assignment due this week.  However, our next spelling test is Friday, December 6th.  The spelling words are abbreviations, so I will say the word and the children will write the abbreviation. 

1.  A. M.

2.  Blvd.

3.  P. M.

4.  P. S.

5.  Rd.

6.  etc.

7.  no.

8.  vs.

9.  wt.

10.  ASAP

11.  building

12.  ocean

Have a great week!

Ms. Pula
